
Mid-fi Designs for Family Success Centers

Dashboard that gives an overview of how a family is doing and helps to manage various resources

United Way of Greater Greensboro

Mid-fi Designs for ODRC

Dashboard that has direct access to scheduling services, assessments, and resources

OH Department of Rehabilitation & Correction

Crisis to Choice - United Way Designs

We received a list of potential features upon which the client envisioned having and a MSCW analysis was conducted on the features (must do, should do, could do, won't do). The interface would be a case management portal that could be used for communications, running reports, an appointment scheduler, etc. There would also be another interface that shows appointments, milestone tracking, and reminders of what to do next.

Crisis to Choice - ODRC Designs

After another client was found for Crisis to Choice, some of the initial interfaces and features were reevaluated. ODRC had different business needs and also very different user stories involved. Therefore, this version of C2C built upon the functionality already envisioned during the United Way project. There was the addition of a map-based locator and an extension of a to-do list called, "success steps".