
WhyHunger Locator and Data Management System (DMS)

The project involved designing an interactive map-based system that allows the public to search for nonprofit and similar organizations that can help them access nutritious foods. It also involved designing an administrative portal (data management system) for employees of WhyHunger to manage organizations in their database.

I worked to elicit what was needed in their website, particularly to get an understanding of WhyHunger's workflows in relation to the public-facing website, a call center, and a myriad of internal departments (each with different goals) that needed to access the data management system. I created several rounds of prototypes to be reviewed by the client, then worked on front-end development, and lastly performed demos of the working websites.

Spreadsheet Upload

There were two ways to edit organization attributes in their DMS. One way to edit an organization was via a public-facing organization page and another way to edit an organization was via a spreadsheet upload by a user logged into the DMS. The spreadsheet was considered the authoritative source of information, because there was a certain amount of curation that occurred when someone at WhyHunger would put together data from other spreadsheets of varying formats. One enhancement that I recommended was to have indicators that show if data came from such spreadsheets. This would help WhyHunger to trace back who made edits and from where.